January 30, 2008

If you are a research fanatic like my mommy..

Then you'll really like this website: www.safemama.com

Here's a blurb from the About page:
I found it completely overwhelming spending so much time researching safety issues for my child. I spent hours looking up Bisphenol-A or looking for the latest toy recalls. I had an “a-ha” moment and thought that I must not be the only parent scouring the Internet for information about things that affect our children. So I started this website to keep it all in one place.

Thank you safe mama, now my mama doesn't have to pretend I'm still napping so she can keep on reading her computer!

Look at me here.. Just petting Blue Dog's ears waiting for mommy to realize I'm not napping anymore.

January 28, 2008

McLovin here!

Thanks for coming over to see me cousin Missy! We had so much fun. Mom says I'm such a flirt. I don't know what she means, but she always says it when I'm around pretty girls. Dad says "that's my boy."

January 19, 2008

Say it like you mean it.

Well folks, 10 months old and mom and dad agree my first word has surfaced. I've always known the cute funny guy is my dad, but I liked saying 'da da" so much I said it to everyone and everything: the doorman, the checkout person at target, my bear, Brian Williams (mom swears she never met him).
But today I looked him square in the eye, the theme from Chariots of Fire playing, and I said it with conviction - "Daddy!"
Mom and Dad looked at each other and declared it official - Daddy is my first word. primogeniture is next.

Clean up in isle 5

I turned 10 months today and I sat in the shopping cart for the first time! I have a whole new perspective of the supermarket. It's a wonderland - the lights, the people, the balloons by the check-out (and mommy and daddy really like the freebie snacks). I think we'll come back to this fun house soon!!

January 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Maddy!

The first of our gang turned one! Maddy had a rockin' party this past weekend.

That's me and my boys deep in playoffs talk.

I loved the pink and purple boxing bags strategically placed throughout the room. Check out at my left hook.

Never too young to practice good hygiene folks

January 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Dada!

Daddy's birthday was 12/28 - and we had so much fun! We stayed in the city - right near mommy and daddy's old apartment. I went to see the tree at Rockefeller Center. It's big. Mommy and daddy had dinner w/ the Dello-Iaconos at La Esquina. They keep talking about the corn.

I really like people watching in NYC.
Happy Birthday to the BEST daddy in the world!!

January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!!!!

That's Maddy's mommy,
Mikey's mommy,
my mommy
and Manny's mommy celebrating New Years Eve last night!

I don't know why, but mommy was holding her head and saying ouch all day today.

White Plains was like a mini-Times Square. That's the view from our living room!

Happy New Year everyone!