April 20, 2008

Touch my nose

Remember the old joke Pull my Finger? Well that's out. Now we play Touch my Nose.
My cousin Reuben made it up and it makes me laugh SO hard. Look what happens when I touch his nose. Aunt Jenny thinks its funny too.

April 15, 2008

Q and T

This is me and my neighbor Q-Rich. He's on the Knicks! We were just chillin' in the hallway today. Do you think I'll be as tall as him one day?

April 8, 2008

My boy Jackson in my house!

My buddy Jackson came over to play. He's half my age, but not half my size. He's gaining on me.
Mom tried to get us to sit up next to each other for a picture, but if she's going to tell me she has cheese why would I just sit there and smile? Of course I'm going to go look for this cheese she speaks of.

Anyway, I'm psyched for summer time in the 'Tauk with you. I'm definitely peeing in your pool. That's cool right?