October 17, 2007

They've got my back!

How lucky am I? I've got my 2 cousins right up to road .. well, right up I-95 (20 short minutes).
Macy is 3 and she loves me. She told me so. We play this game - I pull her hair and she laughs. When I play that game with Mommy she says "let go." It's automatic. I'm not sure what this "let go" means, but I know she'll say it. It's like a conditioned Pavlov response. I get a kick out of it so I do it everyday. But Macy laughs. Interesting.

And Grady is only 4 months older than me, and man he is solid. We think we might have a future linebacker in the family. It's so cool to watch him do things I'll be doing soon.

More pics from our play-date here

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