December 14, 2007

Look What I can do!!

A few days shy of 9 months and check me out! I'm pulling myself up on anything I can get my hands on.

And the environmentalist in me discovered a great way to reuse a diaper box. Look at me walking with it!!
Check out this video - and notice how I listen to mommy's command when she asks to see my cute face.

Some other NEW things I'm doing:
- eating finger food!
- saying mama! (not really to her, but I do make the 'm' sound now and you should've seen the floodgates open when mommy first heard it)
- drinking from my sippy cup! (the straw thing was tough to nail, but I'm getting it)
- and finishing the New York Times crossword puzzle

1 comment:

Jen said...

Cruisin' with the Cruiser box. I love it. What a ham! Can Tanner come do that in my apartment? I could use a good sweeping.