September 3, 2007

Montauk '07

We drove home from Montauk for the last time for a while today. Summer '07 rocked - my best summer yet (wink). It started out a little rough being just 2 months on Memorial Day and mom was really nervous. The whole pack n play thing threw me for a loop, but soon enough I stopped checking out the scenery every 3 hours and finally let mommy and daddy sleep - 10 hours - your welcome.
The first beach days I stayed snug in my bugaboo in my lil' tent. By 3 months I was sporting my wetsuit and lounging in a swimming pool. 4 months I was watching the sunset at the Montauket. And 5 months I'm ready for my board, well.. maybe not yet, but I did graduate to playing freely on my blanket on the beach.
And the friends I made..I never knew I had so many Aunts and Uncles.. .
I'll miss seeing Charlie, Olivia and Henry every weekend. We had some serious bonding in the 'under 5 club'. Thanks everyone for looking out for me and making me laugh - so much.
(all the pics are in the photo gallery to the left..)

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